A doctor and a patient in a hospital roomAI

A small bandage will fix the situation

A doctor checking a patient

Don't be afraid, boy

Don't worry, that's nothing out of ordinary

Aged female doctor checking a young man's blood pressure

...and now let me see how your teeth doing

Be careful with all these infections

I can't go to school today, right?

Female doctor examining patient's mouth

Sometimes love confession can be so confusing

I can't go to school today, right?

Do you really wanna start that conversation again?

A doctor laughing with their patient

He can't stop sneezing!

Do you have any complaints about that?

Doing regular examination

Doctor examining little kid

Doctor bandaging hand of a boy

A young boy dressed as a doctor examining a dog

Female doctor examining patient's mouth

Don't worry, that's nothing out of ordinary

Do you have any more complaints?

Oh, seems like we've got some flu here

But the examination is not finished yet

Female dentist showing to kid boy patient's how to brush teeth

A small bandage will fix the situation

Be careful with all these infections

...and now let me see how your teeth doing


Don't worry, kiddo, it's just a typical vaccination

A small bandage will fix the situation

Female doctor putting on gloves and patient leaning chin on hand

Doctor examining the boy

Doctor showing bandage to boy

Aged female doctor examining a patient with a stethoscope

...and now let me see how your teeth doing

A doctor examining a patient's chest with a stethoscopeAI

Doctor examining boy's mouth

Having just a typical gossipy talk

A small bandage will fix the situation

Don't be afraid, boy

Mud massage session

Dentist and boy

A small bandage will fix the situation

Doctor and boy

Aged female doctor checking a young man's blood pressure

But i'm so frightened of syringe

And why are you trying to give me that?

Do you have any more complaints?

Boy holding toy while doctor looking at him

Doctor and woman with headache

Patient with doctor on medical procedure

Don't be afraid, kid, it's jus a simple health check

Would you marry me?

Getting back in old shape requires time

Female doctor looking on thermometer while kid patient is touching his forehead

Good, those shoes aren't good with it at all

Doctor, what's that?